BOSU Balance Trainer Professional

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  • Regular price $380.00
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Now millions of people from all over the world train with the BOSU® Balance Trainer Professional, including many of the world's top athletes. You certainly don't need to be a top athlete to benefit  as it is suitable for just about everyone.

A completely unique and multi-dimensional training device, the BOSU® Balance Trainer Professional allows the user to combine all the elements of fitness: cardiovascular, strength, balance and flexibility in unique and highly effective combinations.

Challenging and fun, BOSU® gives a whole new meaning to ""moving with control.""

The New redesigned Balance Trainer with commercial design and durability uses a thick 3.6kg bladder. It has a dually over molded platform for extra strength. Has a non-skid, non-marking base.

How BOSU Ball Workouts Improve Your Physical Fitness

There are many benefits from BOSU ball workouts.  Better core strength, improved stability, increased balance and improved body awareness.

Below are some example BOSU Ball exercises you can use to achieve this.

  • Push Ups: Adding a BOSU ball makes push-ups more difficult, so don’t be afraid only to do knee push-ups when just starting out.
  • Lunge: Performing a lunge on an unstable surface like a BOSU ball will require much stability and balance. Go slow to maintain good form.
  • One-leg Hold: Maintaining balance may be difficult, but it is crucial to master it when you want to start using a BOSU ball. This BOSU ball workout forces you to find your centre of gravity on such an unstable surface.
  • Squat: Performing squats and variations strengthens your quads, and these are great exercises to try on your BOSU ball.

Triceps Dip: Triceps can sometimes be neglected during a regular workout routine, but a BOSU ball tricep dip will hit them hard. The further your feet are from the ball, the harder this type of exercise becomes.

* 12 Month limited warranty

**Pump Included. Available in Black and Blue.


Nordic offers Australia wide Delivery

Important: We offer many different delivery options for a wide range of products, therefore delivery prices are calculated at checkout.

Standard Delivery Information

  • Most orders are processed within 1 business day and leave our warehouse in 2-3 days.
  • Estimated delivery times can be seen at checkout. These are estimates only and are provided by the courier.
  • Delivery is to front door only. Our couriers are not able to assist with deliveries up stairs.
  • All items arrive flat-packed and require assembly. Please contact us if you require a quote for assembly.
  • For heavy items over 30kg, a truck with a tail lift will be required for delivery.
  • Upon order completion you will be emailed tracking information for the delivery of your order. Please monitor it closely to ensure you are home to accept the delivery.


Warranty Information

Warranty only valid if machines are properly maintained to Nordic's standard maintenance procedures. For more information please check our warranty page.

Important: This Warranty is not transferable and does not cover normal wear and tear (including, but not limited to, damage and wear to batteries, springs, bearings, running mats, hydraulic systems, ropes, belts, pulleys, power shocks, drive belts and other non-durable parts, etc...). Warranty is void if the product is damaged by accident, unreasonable use, improper service, failure to follow instructions provided, modification from its original state, or other causes determined not arising out of defects in material, the consequences of improper treatment, bad installation, wrong assembly or tampering of the parts by incorrect assembly, improper use of the machine (eg. too heavy load in time, weight etc...), problems caused by lack of maintenance, deviations of the standard machine, such as light vibrations or noise, etc...